Title: Melanesia_DEM.zip
Elevation data for Melanesia is derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data. Information about the data and the mission is available at http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/ . The data found here is version three (V3) data. The data is presented as 90 m x 90 m grid. Data is in ArcInfo GRID format.

Title: Projected_SST_changes.zip
Data is generated by the MIROC-HIRES coupled general circulation model. Information about the model can be found at http://www.ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kyosei/hasumi/MIROC/tech-repo.pdf. Each grid cell on the model output is ½ degree (east-west) x ½ degree (north-south) [1 degree = 111 km at the equator]. The files are named in the following manner: The file m11-20tos is the projected change in the sea surface temperature (SST) (defined as the average temperature in the top 10 meters of water in the ocean) from the current temperature to that projected for 2020; m21-30tos is the projected SST change from the current time to 2030; etc. All values are in degree Kelvin (a change of one degree Kelvin equals a change of one degree Celsius).

Title: Projected_surfacetemperature_changes.zip
Data is generated by the MIROC-HIRES coupled general circulation model. Information about the model can be found at http://www.ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kyosei/hasumi/MIROC/tech-repo.pdf. Each grid cell on the model output is ½ degree (east-west) x ½ degree (north-south) [1 degree = 111 km at the equator]. The files are named in the following manner: The file m11-20dts is the projected change in the earth’s surface temperature (defined as the temperature in the 2 meter area above the earth’s surface [above ground level]) from the current temperature to that projected for 2020; m21-30dts is the projected change from the current time to 2030; etc. All values are in degree Kelvin (a change of one degree Kelvin equals a change of one degree Celsius).

Title: Precipitation_percent_change.zip
Data is generated by the MIROC-HIRES coupled general circulation model. Information about the model can be found at http://www.ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kyosei/hasumi/MIROC/tech-repo.pdf. Each grid cell on the model output is ½ degree (east-west) x ½ degree (north-south) [1 degree = 111 km at the equator]. The files are named in the following manner: The file m11-20_ppr is the projected change in percent in the amount of precipitation per year from the current amount to that projected for 2020; m21-30_ppr is the projected change from the current time to 2030; etc. All values are in percent.

Title: Projected_sea_level_change.zip
Data is generated by the MIROC-HIRES coupled general circulation model. Information about the model can be found at http://www.ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kyosei/hasumi/MIROC/tech-repo.pdf. Each grid cell on the model output is ½ degree (east-west) x ½ degree (north-south) [1 degree = 111 km at the equator]. The files are named in the following manner: The file m11-20dzos is the projected sea level change in meters from current to 2020; m21-30dzos is the projected sea level change in meters from the current time to 2030; etc.

Title: Projected number of "degree heating weeks'' per decade
Author: Axel Timmermann
Original input data is generated from the MIROC-HIRES coupled general circulation model. Information about the model can be found at http://www.ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kyosei/hasumi/MIROC/tech-repo.pdf. Each grid cell on the model output is ½ degree (east-west) x ½ degree (north-south) [1 degree = 111 km at the equator]. The files are named in the following manner: The file m00-10_dhw is the projected average number of degree heating weeks per year during the decade from 2000 - 2010; m10-20_dhw is the projected average number of degree heating weeks per year during the decade from 2010 - 2020; etc. All values are degree heating weeks. A degree heating week (DHW) is defined as the number of weeks that the maximum temperature is greater than one degree centigrade above the historical annual mean maximum temperature. If DHW is greater that 4 to 5 then widespread bleaching of corals in the area will take place. If DHW is greater than 10 then massive coral mortality will take place.

Title: Precipitation_Change_in_amount.zip
Data is generated by the MIROC-HIRES coupled general circulation model. Information about the model can be found at http://www.ccsr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kyosei/hasumi/MIROC/tech-repo.pdf. Each grid cell on the model output is ½ degree (east-west) x ½ degree (north-south) [1 degree = 111 km at the equator]. The files are named in the following manner: The file m11-20_dpr is the projected change in the amount of precipitation per year from the current amount per year to that projected for 2020; m21-30_dpr is the projected change from the current time to 2030; etc. All values are in kg/m sq./sec.