Title: A Spatial Analysis on Locations in Melanesia Most Vulnerable to Climate Change
Author: Stephen J. Leisz, Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum

Title: CCBM Paper 5: Potential Climate Change Impacts on Corals and Coral Reefs in Melanesia from Bleaching Events and Ocean Acidification
Author: Steve Coles, Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum

Title: CCBM Paper 9: Predicting the Effects of Climate Change on Melanesian Bird Populations: the constraints of too many variables and too few data
Author: Andrew L. Mack, Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Title: Analysis of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Herpetofauna of the Papuan Region
Author: Allen Allison and Stephen J. Leisz, Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum

Title: Ka'Elele article on Climate Change and Biodiversity in Melanesia Project
Author: Bishop Museum

Title: CCBM Paper 7: Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Resilience and MPA Management in Melanesia
Author: Rod V. Salm and Elizabeth Mcleod, The Nature Conservancy

Title: CCBM Paper 4: Palaeoecology and Resilience in Melanesia: How can palaeoecology contribute to climate change response planning?
Author: Geoffrey Hope, The Australian National University

Title: CCBM Paper 1: Regional Climate Change Projections for the Southwestern Pacific with a focus on Melanesia
Author: Kelvin Richards and Axel Timmermann, IPRC, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Title: CCBM Paper 6: Climate Change and Biodiversity in Melanesia: Implications for and Impacts upon Reef Fishes
Author: Terry J. Donaldson, University of Guam Marine Laboratory

Title: CCBM Paper 8: Climate Change Impacts on Native Plant Communities in Melanesia
Author: Shelley A. James, Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum

Title: CCBM Paper 3: Climate Change in New Guinea & its Potential Effects on Freshwater Ecosystems
Author: Dan A. Polhemus, Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum

Title: SPREP Report on Institutional Capacity Within Melanesian Countries to Effectively Respond to Climate Change Impacts, with a focus on Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands
Author: Frank Wickham, Jeff Kinch and Padma Lal, Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Title: SPREP Report on Review of Economic and Livelihood Impact Assessments of, and Adaptation to, Climate Change in Melanesia
Author: Padma Narsey Lal, Jeff Kinch and Frank Wickham, Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Title: CCBM Consensus Report: What Do We Know?
Author: Stephen J. Leisz, John Burke Burnett, & Allen Allison, Bishop Museum, Pacific Science Association & Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance
This report presents an executive summary of the individually authored reports 1 to 9 as well as conclusions and recommendations.

Title: CCBM Paper 2: Biophysical Science - Ocean Acidification
Author: Peter G. Brewer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute