Artifact Number:
Newa, Pikoi, Hohoa
Plant (wood)
L: 33.6 cm; W: 8.1 cm
Oahu, Hawaii, Polynesia
Uhiuhi wood newa bought in Honolulu on June 5, 1886 from Naenelua of Kapalama, Kona, Oahu fro $3.25. The uhiuhi log from which this was made landed in the time of Kamehameha I on the shore of Nuu, Kaupo, Maui, and was carried by the people to the Heiau of Punahoa at Mokulau near Nuu. According to custom all valuables thrown upon the beach were sacred to the king. Kamehameha I accordingly took the log, cutting off a few pieces for his aikanes one of whom was Hema, the father of Napule (k), the father of Naenelua. From this piece Hema had this newa made with the Koiau marking on the handle. Hema was a brave solider and on one occasion at mid-day when he was on his way from Kawaihae to Waimea, Hawaii a band seven robbers attacked him. Armed only with this newa, he fought most valiantly and slew all seven of them. So says his grandson, Nenelua, who has long preserved the precious relic. (Emerson) Kauila wood. Originally it was a hohoa, a tapa beating stick. Length 33.6 cm, maximum width 8.1 cm, weight 1304 g. Figure 212. (Summers) Moderate care was taken to finsih surfaces and achieve symmetr. Not withstanding the claim that this club killed seven men, because of extreme weight at the distal end of its head,and its relatively short haft and a high center of balance. This weapon is not designed for easy handling. Light, fast, and accurate movements are virtually impossible. It would be useful in striking a single blow against an unsuspecting victim. (Draeger 1977: OP 6)
Collection Name: J.S. Emerson Collection